Customers require manufacturers to provide digital, unbiased monitoring and traceability of production parameters. Production conditions are usually demonstrated in customer audits. At the same time, traceability helps manufacturers maintain a constant - required quality of production. We are able to ensure the traceability of production for a production batch, a packaging unit (KLT boxes, wire baskets, crates) or for each manufactured part - a unique piece identification.
MES PHARIS Production Logistics module provides you with an overview of which goods or semi-finished products are being produced, in what quantities and where they are stored outside of standard stock (pending work orders). It is an interactive plug-in for MES PHARIS, which offers significant added value for material management in SAP or other ERP systems in real time.
In ERP system, raw materials and inventories of finished products are usually posted back as soon as the whole production order is completed. Conversely, MES PHARIS offers significantly higher level of detail in addition to significantly shorter delay times. When using MES PHARIS, you can count the products and semi-finished products produced on any production operation of a production order in progress. Therefore, accurate and up-to-date information on material consumption and manufactured stocks is available online at any time.
Packaging units mean packaging, KLT boxes, wire baskets, pallets, etc.
The packaging unit system is focused on filling packaging and pallet units in production.
The module allows you to check and manipulate units. The record of packaging units linked to production makes it possible to increase the traceability of data on the product or semi-finished product.
Packaging units can be filled and processed in multiple operations. MES PHARIS supports merging, or division of the packaging unit into several packaging units, while still maintaining the assumption of ensuring the traceability of the packaging units through all production operations that participated in the packaging unit.
The MES PHARIS system enables comprehensive assurance of traceability to the level of a specific manufactured part. So we are not only dealing with the traceability of the packaging unit, but also of the specific part it is stored in. Suppliers in the automotive, electrical or, for example, the arms industry are forced to fulfill this requirement. In automotive, these are mainly safety parts, elements of the fuel system, selected interior parts and others.
For the unique identification of parts in projects, we use barcodes, QR codes or it is possible to use the connection for laser burning ID.
It is a production logistics module ensuring quality control of the prescribed sequence of manufactured pieces, i.e. according to the JIS (Just In Sequence) system.
This can be a key area that the customer can demand from the manufacturer and is a necessary condition for obtaining a new project.
The Just In Sequence (JIS) principle consists in the fact that the products are manufactured and filled into the container in the order in which the pieces are delivered to the customer according to the JIS principle. One container can contain different types of products, each type of product is represented by its own technological procedure. Within the JIS module, MES PHARIS checks the loading of the correct product at the workplace in the prescribed sequence. Another control is the product quality control. If the checks do not go well, further processing of the product is blocked. To resolve blocked production, it is possible to use the production terminal to call the quality manager, who is authorized to unblock production. The process is completed by printing the container label.
The KANBAN module is used to manage material requirements in production.
The system ensures the creation of material requirements according to the current and future needs of production facilities and workplaces.
Operators can create requests to load material to a given workplace. In addition to the shipment of materials, the system also processes the unload of materials (finished products and waste) from the production facility. Material requests are further processed by warehouse staff. The requirements are used to remove the required material and to prepare the material for transport to the machine/workplace. Requests for material continue to be processed by handlers who ensure the pick-up and delivery of the material to the place of order. Manipulators see a queue of requests to be moved from their current position to a new position. All requests for loading, unloading and storaging are created and managed by the staff using tablets or production terminals.
We will be happy to help you with the digitization of processes and production management in accordance with IATF 16949. This way you will get an online overview of production orders in progress, modern paperless production, precise documents for customer audits, traceability, and all this in accordance with the principles of Industry 4.0. This competitive advantage will also help you to get new projects. Get rid of chaos in records, stress before audits and use a professional and long-term proven solution.