By implementing a system that is easily customizable and includes many functions from a wide range of areas, we have obtained a great tool that is the basis for detecting long-term as well as currently emerging problems on the production halls. Thanks to MES PHARIS, we are able to evaluate simple things at the machine level, but also complex shortcomings of the entire production process. In practice, it brought us detailed and especially accurate information about every moment in production, which is another means of improvement.
We established cooperation with the UNIS company in 2014 in order to support the production process of the molding shop with the specialized MES PHARIS system. This allows us to plan, manage and execute the production of complicated plastic units in real time. For the newly acquired project of the customer Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, UNIS successfully implemented the functionality of the complex management of the production and logistics process in the Just In Sequence mode for us.
Based on long-term cooperation and mutual satisfaction, we plan to expand the use of MES PHARIS in the coming years.
The system provides us with online information about the progress and status of the production process both in terms of quantity, speed, stability, quality and technological parameters, including their ongoing control. It ensures notification of deviations from the required parameters as well as immediate information about non-standard process states. It makes the set points of the process visible to the control management and also to the direct operator of the machines and conveys instructions for the next procedure. At the same time, it also covers a number of supporting processes, which include, among others, the entire area of maintenance or the agenda of training and continuously informing employees about all changes to parameters and setting work procedures.
MES PHARIS is a very powerful tool not only for achieving the efficiency and quality of the production process, but also for its continuous improvement.
V naší výrobě zvláště oceňujeme např. volání kontroly s využitím jejich informování přes Vizualizační obrazovky. Také se nám velice osvědčilo nastavení modulu údržby a systém preventivních údržeb strojů navázaný na přesné sledování využití forem. Tento modul velmi chválí především auditoři.
Dalším velkým plusem je nastavení přenosu kompletní výrobní dokumentace v digitální podobě na terminály u strojů, včetně všech postupů, pokynů, katalogů vad apod.