Visualization of production

Visualization screens provide an online overview of status of work in progress, including a clear representation of operators’ performance and the performance of individual workplaces.

State of production and workflow management

Production visualization finds its application mainly on large screens located directly in production facilities. They are used for quick and clear overview of production. They display current state of production equipment and work in progress.

Visualization provides timely and clear information to workers moving in the production hall without having to log in to MES PHARIS.

Production Visualization module also includes a user editor, which allows customers to create the appearance of screens with any content. Dynamic objects on visualization screen also offer support for workflow management, especially in area of quality, internal logistics, or maintenance.






Information on visualisation screens

Visualisation screens in production halls typically display:

  • work in progress,
  • production delay,
  • current waste rate,
  • time until the end of the production operation,
  • profession’s call to the workplace,
  • machine status,
  • the tool used,
  • operator registered for production,
  • technological parameters from machines such as cycle, temperature, pressure, pillow size, etc.

The production visualisation module makes close use of the Alarms and Escalation System and KPIs – key production indicators and reports modules.  



Access to screens via thin client

The visualization screen is represented by a dynamic web page and is therefore accessible from any computer or mobile phone. Large screens are mainly located in production halls, assembly halls, control rooms, master rooms, etc.  




User screen editor

MES PHARIS offers the possibility of user definition and editing of custom visualization screens. A number of predefined objects and their attributes are available in the integrated screen editor, which display the actual data from the system database. MES PHARIS supports the possibility of creating any number and types of screens, which are selected according to the context of the large screen placement in production.  




Lean manufacturing, ANDON

It is easy to implement Andon via the visualization screens to comply with lean manufacturing principles. For efficient use, we recommend linking the Andon system to the Alarm System module.  




Get a proven MES solution

We will be happy to help you with the digitalization of processes and production management in accordance with IATF 16 949. You will get an online overview of your work in progress, modern paperless production, precise documentation for customer audits, traceability, and all in accordance with the principles of Industry 4.0. This competitive advantage will also help you to win new projects. Get rid of the chaos of record-keeping, the stress before audits and benefit from a professional and proven long-term solution.

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