Possibilities of using MES PHARIS rental

We offer the possibility of using License Leasing as a help to clients in order not to burden cash-flow.

Get the service and avoid the demanding promotion of the investment in the MES system and efforts to include it in the investment plan. Also suitable for companies whose approval of the investment plan takes place abroad, where their negotiating position is often greatly reduced.

We offer 2 basic models for purchasing the PHARIS system:


As part of the project, the customer purchases a one-time (perpetual) license of the PHARIS system. This model is usually used in projects where the customer uses one of the subsidy programs (OPPI, OPPIK, OPTAK, etc.). The advantage is a one-time investment without the need for additional costs in the future.

If you are considering financing through a subsidy program, we will be happy to help you with the preparation of the budget and technical proposal. We have rich experience, we have implemented dozens of projects through grant titles.


The customer does not purchase PHARIS system licenses, he only pays for their rental (rental license). By renting licenses, the client avoids the initial investment in purchasing a server license and MES PHARIS client licenses. The advantage is the elimination of the initial one-time investment and it will not burden your cash-flow. The client therefore only pays for implementation and related hardware supplies – usually production terminals, or components for connecting machines.


The PHARIS system can be installed and operated directly on the customer’s harware, i.e. in the so-called ON-PREMISE mode. Or it is possible to use the operation in the form of an outsourced form of infrastructure, i.e. in a CLOUD environment.